Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sprint 18 (permission only)

I plan on working on the a tutorial named Stealth.

Here is the URL:

I am not sure if i will be able to complete it in its entirety over break, but i will try.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sprint 15 Questions Updated

1: Was it easy for you to learn the controls for the game?

2: Was it clear what the goal of the games was?

3: Were the game mechanics that were explained at the beginning clear?

4: Was the game entertaining to play?

5. Ona scale of 1 - 7, how would you rate the games difficulty?
1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

Sprint 17 Screen Shots

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sprint 17 (permission only)

Tutorial i plan to complete: Roll-a-Ball

Task List For Thursday: The whole tutorial. It is only about an hour, maybe two hours, worth of work.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sprint 15: Playtest Questions

1: Were the controls and objectives clear and understandable? (Y/N)

2:  Was the game... (Circle One)
Far too hard
Challenging but do-able
Perfect in difficulty
Kinda easy
Extremely easy

3: Would you ever want to play this game again? (Y/N)  If no, can you explain why?

4. If you could change something about the game, what would it be and why?

5: On a scale of 0 - 10, how would you rate the game as a whole? (Circle One Number)
10 Excellent Game
5 An Alright Game
0 Awful Game

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sprint 13 Task List and Questions

Task List
- Finish with character (animations, controls, camera)
- Start making level 1 look pretty in Maya. After that is finished, bring it into unity and combine the character with the level.

Lens # 82: The Lens of Inner Contradiction

·       What is the purpose of my game?
The purpose of my game is to entertain people with the use of simple stealth, mini puzzles, and points of rushing and the sense of overwhelming danger. 

·       What are the purposes of each subsystem in my game?
The stealth is to make the player be careful about what they are doing, no game is fun when you can just run past everything without having to worry about anything. 

The mini puzzles are to act as a exercise of patience / exploration for the player. Trying to time when the coast will be clear for your advancement / trying to find new and easier ways around certain points where it seems like you are presented with an unbeatable bottleneck. 

The rushing and overwhelming danger are to make the player enter a state of excitement. Most stealth games lack this and instead use the possibility of danger instead of danger itself. 

·       Is there anything at all in my game that contradicts these purposes?
No. My game is to be as simple as possible in the sense of mechanics because overcomplicating of them will only make theses purposes more diluted.  

Lens #83:  The Lens of the Namelss Quality

·       Does my design have a special feeling of life, or do parts of my design feel dead? What would make my design feel more alive?

My games design has both. A static environment and a dynamic danger. Guards will be moving around and going around corners or going down long hallways will be risks the player will have to take not knowing what awaits them. I could make the environment feels more alive by making it so that things can be changed, but i feel that making that a reality is unrealistic at this point. 

·       Which of Alexander's fifteen qualities does my design have?

·       Levels of Scale (telescoping goals)
·       Strong Centers (our avatars are the center of our game universes)
·       Boundaries (games are all about boundaries; rules are boundaries)
·       Contrast (between opponents, reward/punishment, what is controllable/what is not)
·       Gradients (qualities that change gradually)
·       Roughness (getting away from too perfect - seeking house rules)
·       Echoes (when the boss has something in common with his minions)
·       Simplicity and Inner Calm (simple - small number of rules that have emergence, well balanced rules)
·       Not-Separateness (something is well-connected to its surroundings)
·       Could it have more of them, somehow?
There is always something that can be done to have more. 

·       Where does my design feel like my self?

My design is more focused on trying to emulate the surroundings that the level is taking place in rather than trying to emulate myself. What is self anyways and sometimes its better to think on whether or not we should instead of whether or not he can. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sprint 12 Pics

My goal was to get character animation and character controls to work together.
This character has animations bond to certain inputs. (running, walking, sneaking, nothing)
Because it is rather hard to show animations in pictures, this will have to do.

I am using the Unity tutorial for the character and movement and i will set the controls to whatever i see fit. Once all that is settled, i will take this character that you see here, and make him to how i want him to look like in mud box.