Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sprint 5 Questions and Explaining Paragraph

• Is your team's game design using elements of all four types?
Describe in one sentence how.
Yes, our game will immediately throw the player(s) into an indepth story that looks, feels, sounds the part of an H.P. Lovecraft
novel, as well as interactive environments that will affect the way
they continue.
• Could your team's game design be improved by enhancing
elements in one or more of the categories? Describe in one
to three sentences how.
We believe that our game could always be enhanced because
every game can, but especially in the field of game mechanics.
We need to create a clear story and plotline. Also, we would like
to map out exactly how these story elements apply to the
characters the players are controlling so as to pay homage to
H.P. Lovecraft.
• Are the four elements in harmony, reinforcing each other, and
working together toward a common theme? Describe in one
sentence how.
The four elements function harmoniously in our game because:
although the very nature of H.P. Lovecraft artwork is discord, it is
pleasing to the eye; Through user testing various other fighters
we have chosen a simple “button mashing” style of game play,
which is a highly desirable format; Though underdeveloped, given
time our storyline will be much less mysterious and more
directional; Finally, through the use of the unity engine we should
be able to facilitate the vision of this game to fruition.

The basic game mechanics for “From the Depths” are a combination of
various game elements from several of our favorite side scrolling fighters. First we
decided to utilize a vertical movement plane allowing the characters to move the
characters multilaterally, games like this include: Double Dragons, Streets of rage,
TMNT series, and of course Golden Axe. We also decided to use a “power-up” meter
that grows when enemy troops “souls” are consumed, the culmination of which
allows the player(s) to unleash a breath attack affecting a larger field of enemies.
The plan is to create a divergent path in several parts in the game so that the
player(s) can experience the same level several different ways based on which
direction they choose next. Our programmer, Rob, hopes to incorporate a
randomized spawn point system so that no matter how many times you play, you’ll
never see the enemy appear from the same point.
Ideally we want that player to be able to interact with the environment, for
example: you are attacking the humans and a tank rolls out of nowhere, now you
have the option to pick the tank up and smash it or kick it like a soccer ball towards
your attackers. We plan to use incoherent noises and text for the “voices” of the great
old ones in the hopes that we might get their side of our dark protagonists. The true
goal of the game has yet to be thought up, but I think we will end up leaning towards
Dagon cultists attempting to Raise and control the elder gods, at which point they
brake free of their ancient prisons and begin towards those whom had summoned
them. The logical plot variant ending would be to give the player the choice of
whether or not to help the cultists whom freed you.

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